Monday, May 25, 2020

Combat Stress - 671 Words

Combat Stress Yan E Oei ECPI University Abstract This research paper investigates the neurological disorder of Combat Stress. Combat stress is a short-term affliction caused by the traumatic effects of war. The historical perspective of combat stress were considered. The effects of combat stress on physical, emotional, mental and psychological parameters were analyzed. The ways of medical and psychological treatment were also mentioned. The cost of war weighs tremendously high, especially if one considers the individual human suffering and not just the loss of government property. When soldiers find themselves in the extraordinary and life threatening conditions, there is a high percent of combat and operational stress from†¦show more content†¦In this way, the most prominent physiological and psychological investigations were made. The effects of combat stress spread upon the physical condition of a soldier, as well as his mental acumen and emotional stasis. When a person undergoes combat stress, the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) goes into high gear. â€Å"SNS is activated when the brain perceives a threat to survival, resulting in an immediate discharge of stress hormones† (Grossman amp; Siddle, 2000). This may cause headaches, limb tremors or loss of speech power. The arterial pressure may rise and the tachycardia or arrhythmia appear. Soldiers often suffer from the tunnel vision, resulting in the loss of their peripheral vision. Thus, the orientation in space is lost. The basic emotional disorders are frustration, fear and loss of hope. The person may feel inadequate, demonstrate aggression, or become a threat for his surroundings. Even if the direct stimulus is present no more, the person may suffer from various flashbacks and nightmares. For this reason, sleep deprivation and chronic insomnia may occur. Fear is regarded as the strongest emotional reaction and is connected with two principle traumas. The first is associated with being the victim of aggression and the second is associated with the responsibility to kill (Grossman amp; Siddle, 2000). The necessity to interact with enemies on the field of battle in a kill-or-be-killed situation is extremely damaging for the conscience of theShow MoreRelatedSoft Spots : A Marines Memoir Of Combat And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder1711 Words   |  7 PagesSoft Spots: A Marine’s Memoir of Combat and Post-traumatic stress disorder It all began in 2003 when President Bush declared war on Iraq. He declared that, â€Å"Now that conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force† (Bush). Unfortunately, the war in Iraq became one of the longest and most controversial wars fought by America. Thanks to the sacrifices of the men and women in uniform, the mission ended in 2011. 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